Love it or hate it, Valentine's Day is a thing. 

Today I am writing my first love letter. To myself. 

Dear Me,

I'm not perfect but I am still pretty great. In my own little corner of the world, I try my best to make it better and spread positivity. 

I like that I can make people feel good about themselves and give them hope for a better tomorrow. I like the way I can be as comfortable in an evening gown as I am in a tent. I have a nice smile. 

I do enough, I give enough. I am enough. 

Yeah, the world is pretty lucky to have Me! 

Thanks for always trying to be the best Me, I can be.

Love, Me

Now...your life, your version, your plan...

I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that you show enough love to other people, that you do enough for other people, that you care for other people. 

Consider this your PSA for today...Love Yourself. 

Let's start a Self-Valentine Day.

A day when you can be self-indulgent. 

A day when you can practice extreme self-care.

A day when you disallow negative self-talk.

A day when you give self-compassion.

A day when you demand self-respect.

A day when you are extra tuned in to self-awareness. 

A day when you can treat yourself as kindly as you would a dear friend, a child, or a loved one. 

Let today be that day.  Please. 

And hey, maybe even write a little love letter to yourself!  If you want to share, I'd love to read it!

Loving yourself, it's a thing and it's such an important way of living Your Life, Unlimited! Steph #SelfValentine

AND...Here's a way to spread a little fun with your loved ones (sort of!).

Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

Your Revitalization Specialist

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