• Quote De Jour  " "

  • Accidental Unkindness

  • International Women's Day 

  • Just for fun!

  • On the Nightstand

  • In case you missed the 3 types of friends.

  • Where in the world is Steph?

"I'm in a hurry to get things done, I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die but I'm in a hurry and don't know why." Alabama

Busyness is the biggest reason for accidental unkindness.  

We are in a hurry. We are late. We are rushing. We are trying to put too much into too little time. We are reacting to things vs responding.  

And then...

I gave a 'look' that was more based on what my wandering mind was thinking about rather than being present to where I was.

The joke landed wrong.  

I overlooked your effort, I didn't share enough credit, I failed to acknowledge what was acknowledgeable?

I spoke first and thought later - yet again.  

Did I forget to 'cc' you on that email?

I'm absolutely sure I am right - until l learn I was not.  

My partner, child, important person is there, but I'm there only in body.

Most people I know want to be kind but despite our best efforts we all mess up and I think it's typically because we are 'in a hurry to get things done.'  At least, that seems to be my issue, so I'm on a quest to slow down and reduce my risk of being accidentally unkind.

Now...your life, your version, your plan...

If you notice your busyness is leading to accidental unkindness more than you'd like, try these ideas:

Build in Buffer Time – If you’re always “just 5 minutes behind,” start pretending everything starts 10 minutes earlier. Future You will thank you.

Pause Before You React – Breathe, blink, take a sip of your drink - (did ya catch that rhyme!), just do something before replying, rolling your eyes, or firing off that "well, actually" email.

Tame the Tech Temptation – Does multitasking make you a productivity ninja, or does it makes you a distracted mess? Maybe put the phone down.

Make a “Do Less” List – Stop adding! What can’t you do today? Spoiler alert: probably a lot. 

Choose Connection Over Completion – That extra 30 seconds to say "thank you" or "I appreciate you" won’t wreck your schedule, but it might make someone’s day.

Sing Along to Alabama – Because let’s be honest, you also don’t know why you’re in such a hurry.

Slowing down doesn’t mean stopping—it means being intentional. Let’s trade rushing for responding, reacting for reflecting, and accidental unkindness for purposeful presence.  

International Women's Day

As I reflect upon one of the most profound pieces of advice I received from a female mentor - I realize, 20 years later, I still hear her voice in my head in various situations. I was about to publish my first book and I was advised to put my photo on the back cover and I didn't want to. She explained that it was important for people to see me to connect with me and her advice was - get out of your own way. And I did.  

What is some impactful advice you have received from a female friend and/or mentor? Maybe thank her on March 8th. 

Just for fun!

Do you look like your dog? Why do some people? Find out here

On the Nightstand

Becoming SuperNatural - How Common People are Doing the Uncommon - Dr. Joe Dispenza - you've got to be open-minded for this one!

In case you missed it...here are the 3 types of friends.  

Where in the world is Steph?

So excited to be speaking in Manitoba this week for a Chamber of Commerce Women's Event! I will tie this into an overnight road trip with my Bestie, some wonderful, quality little-sitting time with my almost 2-year-old grandson, Arlo and some fun times with my two daughters and their partners! Work & play all rolled into one!

Have a great week, that's what I'm planning to do!  Steph

Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

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