Didn’t bake it? That’s okay (store-bought cookies are a vibe).
Didn’t buy it? That’s okay (we/they already have too much).
Burnt it? That’s okay (charcoal chic is a flavor, right?).
Didn’t wrap it? That’s okay (bag it, tag it, or just hand it over—still counts).
Everyone isn’t happy every minute? That’s okay (we’re humans, not holiday movies).
Skipped a gathering? That’s okay (your couch missed you).
Didn’t buy a new outfit? That’s okay (sparkle in what you’ve got).
The kitchen’s a mess? That’s okay (call it "creative chaos").
Missing a loved one? That’s okay to feel—their love is with you.
Fill in the blank: ________. That’s okay (because you’re okay).
And as someone smarter than me said, "It's all going to be okay in the end and if it's not okay, it's not the end."
Enjoy the season and if you have a little extra love, time and/or resources - share it with someone for whom this season is tough. And if you don't, that's okay - just take extremely good care of yourself.
Merry Everything & Happy Always, Steph
An oldie (video) - but still so very true.

Stephanie Staples
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