As we continue our quest for revitalization and enhancing our life, perhaps you’d like to join me on my latest endeavor (unless you are one of the dedicated few whose resolution is still intact).

My 22 in 2022 project of having a different focus each month and doing an activity around it for 22 days out of was so beneficial that I’m doing it again in 2023 - but of course, I’ll do each for 23 days. Most did not take a huge amount of time out of my day and most I genuinely enjoyed doing. It was a great way to try out new things and give them a fair chance as opposed to trying things only once or twice. I generally choose things I thought I would enjoy and/or be beneficial.

I liked the 22 days because it was enough to make it habit-like but also allow me a break if I was sick, traveling, lazy, busy et al. I suspect 23 days will be great as well!

So, in case you want to join me or create your own version of 23 in 2023 that works for you, here are some ideas that I explored and/or plan to explore…


Minimalist living
Reading (offline)
Exercise - 22 of each (I did pushups, squats, burpees, lunges, up/down planks)
Polar dips/cold showers
Pride education
Delete junk food
Poetry (write and/or read)


Feel free to share your ideas with me and/or if you are so inclined, you can bring this idea into your workplace - it’s more fun to do it together.

Here are a few ideas for work…


Gratitude - start each meeting by stating something you appreciate
Start each day on paper - list your top priorities for the day
Quotes - share an inspirational ‘quote-of-the-day’
Water - increase consumption (put an elastic around your water bottle every time you fill it up to track)
Up and walk - if you have a sit-down job, set your timer to move every hour (drinking lots of water makes that easier!)
Quiet time - if you have a job where you are on your feet, take some time to sit and be still and quiet

Your ideas?


Let’s create a great 2023! Steph : )

Free Goodies - On Spotify from me to you! Don't worry, I'm not singing.

On my night table - The 80/20 Principle and 92 Others Power Laws of Nature - author Richard Koch talks about how the universal, patterns in nature, organizations and markets can contribute to a successful life.

Word of the Day: Gumption: initiative, courage to get up and go. I love this word; I hope you have some gumption today!

On Stage - My speaking calendar for 2023 is pretty much booked and I'm booking engagements into 2024 already. The calendar changes quickly so reach out to talk to me about revitalizing your people and event! 1-204.227.2165 or just click reply. : )

Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

Your Revitalization Specialist

Contact Me