It's been an explosive year, so far. 

I try to see the positive, it’s my job after all - who wants a cranky ‘motivational speaker’? But if I’m being honest, 2024 has been a bear of a year, so far. 

Though I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and typically assume things are going to get better, sooner rather than later, this year has pushed me right over the edge and I found myself going to the dark side. 

You wanna hate on me? Fine, I can hate on you back!  I got caught up in the ugly, my mind went places it's never gone before; it was scary.

But then, wait...

That hate felt horrible in me - I just couldn’t do it anymore, no matter how much I thought that they deserved it. I used to think 'hurt people, hurt people' but now I'm thinking, "Well, I'm hurt and I'm not hurting other people."

Maybe hurt people, with no other proactive coping skills, hurt other people?

I don't want to hurt. I don't want to hate. No matter what. So, I wrote this song, There Ain’t No Room in My Heart for Hate and boy, do I feel better. 

I’m better than I thought I was. I guess a hater really is just gonna hate, hate, hate (nod to the Swifties) and there is nothing I can do about it. So even though I want to say ‘go to hell’, I actually just pity them instead. It must be awful to live like that. So I’m just going to wish them well.

I hope you like the song, and if you hate it, I still wish you well.

Now...your life, your version, your plan...

Do you have 'Everyone Has to Like Me Syndrome'?  Embracing your authentic self means accepting that not everyone is going to like you and that's perfectly okay. 

What is it costing you, to try to please everyone? Probably your emotional well-being. Let's try to surround ourselves with people who appreciate us. 

Is there something or someone you need to let go of? Toxic relationships and well-being are rarely in the same sentence (or life).

Do you have a constructive outlet to deal with the tough stuff: therapy, music, fitness, friends, a meditation practice, etc.? These outlets provide support and relief in tough times.

Listen to the song

Use the message, if it helps you 

Share it, if you want to!

Planning for a happy 2nd half of the year, Steph


Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

Your Revitalization Specialist

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