Case # 1 – An unusal invitation came to my in box. “You are cordially invited to the Grand opening of Marie’s bathroom!” A strange invite, to be sure, but you have to know the background of this bathroom. Marie’s hubby had torn it apart to remodel it … 13 years ago. 13 years!! Since then, they have had no shower, no mirror and have had to wash their hands in the bathtub. My most patient and somewhat saintly friend seized the moment and had this celebration to honor this auspicious occasion.
Case #2 – After attending a recent dinner party, I asked my hosts if they do this kind of thing often. ‘”Well, it is April.” she said. “What happens in April?” I wondered. “The kid’s winter sports have finished and the summer ones haven’t started yet.” was her reply. They do a lot of socializing in April!
Case #3 – I have a sign on my door that says, “If you are coming to see me, come anytime. If you are coming to see my house, call first.” While, I would love to see you, if we have to wait until things are ‘perfect’ at my house – we will probably have to wait a long time.
In our busyness, sandwiched in between work and home obligations, our young kids and aging parents needs, trying to balance our relationships with our significant other and worrying about our own health and wellness, friends often end up waaay on the bottom of our to-do list. Soon you haven’t called Jackie in over 6 months and you haven’t had lunch with Sue since last year. And Deb, well if it weren’t for Facebook, you wouldn’t even know where she lives right now. Yikes! Time really is flying by.
This month I encourage you to pick up the phone and make that call (no it’s not too late). I encourage let the above cases inspire you.
#1 – Celebrate some crazy (or imaginary) reason, have fun, the video camera works on other days besides birthdays! Planned is better than postponed.
#2 – It doesn’t matter if it’s a long evening or a short get-together, if you go out for some fun or stay in – who cares – just connect. Planned is better than procrastinating.
#3 – Your house doesn’t have to pass the white glove test – (mine wouldn’t!) and your appies can come from the store. Call your friends. And no, it hasn’t been too long. Planned is better than perfect.
There will always be a reason not to get together with your girlfriends, but there is only one reason to …because you need to be nurtured and so do your friendships.
Start today.