Even when we fall,

Even when we fail,

Even when our bikes careen off of the trail.


Even when they laugh,

Even when they doubt,

Even when they don't understand what we're talking about.


Even when I pause,

Even when I cry,

Even when, even I, don't get the reason why.


Even though some question,

Even though some turn away, 

Even though some who said they loved me, don't always stay.


Even though some work harder,

Even though I work too much,

Even though I try to soften blows with a gentle touch.


Even though I read the books

Even though I got the degree

Even though some days I wonder, 'Who is the real me?'


Stand up tall, head held high

We don't always have to know, or have, a reason why

But each risk, hurt or episode

Opens up possibilities for the higher road.


To learn, to lean, to simply reflect, 

To accept, compromise or flatly reject

To be the person who knows how to grow 

And live their life well, even though.

                                                                                 Stephanie Staples


Wishing you a wonderful week, even though, Steph

Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

Your Revitalization Specialist

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