I vividly recall the effort it took to plan our first child-free vacation. 

Coordinating three kids' schedules, arranging carpools, lessons, meals, school events—felt like an endless task. At one point, I wondered if the hassle was even worth it (spoiler: it was).

Then there was the time we came back from a family trip, only for me to feel like I needed another vacation just to recover from the first one.

Over time, I learned to sprinkle "mini getaways" into our routine—just a little something every quarter to break up the grind and give us something exciting to look forward to amidst a hectic work year.

Now, long past those days, I enjoy the idea of creating a personal holiday. A day that’s all mine, where I have full permission to celebrate, meditate, explore, or create—anything my heart desires.

Whether I choose to share this holiday with others or keep it as a solo retreat, I love the idea of having something special and uniquely personal to look forward to.

My chosen holiday is officially my half-birthday—May 13 and it's set as a recurring event in my calendar.

Now...your life, your version, your plan...

If you agree that creating your own personal holiday can be a meaningful way to make your life a bit more interesting, give you something to look forward to and put new memories in your pocket, here are to help you establish your special day:

1. Theme Your Holiday Around Self-Care - "Wellness Day" or "Recharge Day"

  • Dedicate the day to self-care activities like yoga, meditation, and reading.

  • Create rituals like starting the day with your favorite breakfast and ending with a relaxing bath.

  • No obligations—spend the day solely on nurturing yourself.

2. Celebrate Accomplishments - "Success Day" or "Milestone Day"

  • Mark the day you achieved a major goal (e.g., a work promotion, education milestone, completing a travel or fitness challenge).

  • Reflect on your journey, journal your accomplishments, and reward yourself with something special.

3. Create a 'Gratitude Day'

  • Spend the day reflecting on things you are grateful for.

  • Send thank-you notes or messages to friends, family, and mentors.

  • Plan a special dinner (maybe even solo!) to toast the positive aspects of your life.

4. Declare a 'Disconnect Day'

  • Turn off your devices and dedicate the day to offline activities.

  • Go on a digital detox hike, read a book, or work on a creative project.

  • Enjoy being present without the distractions of technology.

5. Adventure Day

  • Dedicate a day to trying new activities like exploring a new place or taking a spontaneous road trip.

  • Plan one adventurous activity you’ve never tried before.

  • Finish with a themed dinner that matches the day’s adventure (e.g., exotic cuisine or a picnic).

6. Creativity Celebration

  • Spend the day making art, writing, or crafting.

  • Organize a mini art exhibit for yourself by displaying your creations around your home.

  • Invite friends for a creative collaboration or a virtual show-and-tell.

7. ‘Yes Day’

  • Dedicate a day where you say "yes" to every opportunity that comes your way.

  • Try something spontaneous that pops up or call someone and suggest an impromptu event.

  • End the day with a reflection on the new experiences you’ve embraced.


Get the family in on the planning and start a new tradition.  It could be something simple like a movie marathon or more complex like researching a new country and creating an experience or collaborative project around those learnings.


A full day seems like too much right now - block off 'x' number of hours - that will be a great start. 

By naming your holiday and establishing activities that align with the purpose of the day, you can make it an annual tradition that celebrates the things you love and value.

Creating a personal holiday, it's just one more way to live Your Life, Unlimited!  Steph

PS - I'd love to hear your ideas!

Bonus inspiration in a flash; you only have to do this two times...

Stephanie  Staples

Stephanie Staples

Your Revitalization Specialist

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